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Program Policies

The Policies herein, including the "Advertising Policies" and "Transaction Policies", collectively represent the overall “Program Policies” governing the use of both Pet Media, Inc. and PetPay, Inc. platforms.

Advertising Policies: These Policies are an integral part of the Pet Media, Inc. Terms and govern the listing and advertising of pets on the Pet Media platform.


Transaction Policies: These Policies are an integral part of the PetPay, Inc. Terms and govern transactions related to pet sales on the PetPay platform.


Program Policies: Together, these Policies ensure a comprehensive understanding of the terms and conditions applicable to the use of both platforms. By using our services, you agree to adhere to the Advertising Policies of Pet Media, Inc. and the Transaction Policies of PetPay, Inc. It is important to note that these Policies are designed to work in conjunction, and should not be interpreted as conflicting or contradictory.


Pet Media, Inc. and PetPay, Inc. each reserve the right to change any or all of their respective Policies at any time, independently of one another. Continued use of the Service constitutes acceptance of the revised Policies. Changes, when applicable, will be made accessible online and will be considered fully incorporated into this Agreement. It is the responsibility of You, the Seller, to reference and adhere to the latest program Policies at the time of use.


For the most recent version of the Program Policies, please visit:




Pet Media, Inc. Platform Terms:


PetPay, Inc. Platform Terms:

Advertising Policies​


1. Listing Availability and Removal:

I understand the puppies I am listing are available or are soon to be available. I understand that if I sell the puppy elsewhere, I must remove the puppy from my Next Day Pets account right away. I understand I can remove this myself or contact the Breeder Support Team to remove the puppy for me.


2. Quality Review for Marketing Purposes:

Listings will be reviewed for marketing purposes, including suggesting engaging descriptions, improving grammatical accuracy, recommending pricing adjustments, ensuring the removal of any contact information, and verifying that pictures and videos meet quality standards. This review is for marketing purposes only and does not transfer any responsibility for the content, accuracy, or completeness of the listings to the Company. Sellers retain full responsibility for all listing information and must ensure it is accurate and compliant with all applicable laws. This process can take 2-5 business days and is dependent upon your promptness in responding to any inquiries.


All listings will include the following disclaimer: "**Dogs may change color naturally as they mature due to many factors such as genetics, hair type, losing puppy fur and changing to the adult coat, pigmentation, hormonal changes, seasonal changes, shaving, etc. Color changes are expected and can occur quickly and at any time. We cannot guarantee a dog’s permanent coat color for these reasons." This disclaimer helps protect all parties involved.

3. Unique Listing Names:

I understand that the listing name I provide ("Private Name") will be changed to a public-facing "Unique Name" for selling purposes. (You will not need to remember this unique name.) If I prefer that Pet Media, Inc. not modify the name I’ve given, I must inform the Breeder Support Team. I also acknowledge that this name CANNOT be used on any other sites or social media posts. If it appears elsewhere, I understand I will incur a $599 fee for breach of contract.


4. Individual Listings Only:

I understand that each listing must be for an individual puppy. I cannot post entire litters, except for upcoming, unborn litters. Once the litter is born, I must create separate listings for each puppy, featuring only the individual puppy without littermates or parents in the photos and videos.


5. Breed Disclosure:

I understand that if a parent is of mixed breed, I must select "Mixed/Other" from the breed dropdown menu and specify what the parent is mixed with in the description. If the parents are different breeds and there is no specific breed category for my litter, I must also choose "Mixed/Other" and clearly describe each parent's breed in their respective descriptions. Failure to disclose a mixed breed or advertising the incorrect breed may result in a $599 marketing fee for false advertising and could jeopardize any completed sales.


6. Image and Video Requirements:

I understand I am required to upload a minimum of 3 images and 1 video (optional) per listing. I understand that pictures and videos are vital for my listing(s). I understand I will need great lighting and an uncluttered area where I take my puppy photos. I will refer to the Photo Guide for best practices. I am required to update my images every 20 days. If I do not, my listings will automatically go offline until I update them.


7. No Contact Information in Listings:

I understand there cannot be any contact information on my listing images, videos and/or in my descriptions (this includes parent and puppy names). Failure to abide by this will be subject to a $599 marketing fee.


​Transaction Policies


1. Application Fee:

I understand that I am responsible for a one-time application fee of $25.


2. Listing Platforms:

I understand that my puppies’ listings may appear on and As the Seller of record, you have full control over posting pets, interviewing Buyers, and managing reservations.


3. Listing and Advertising Costs:

I understand that Pet Media, Inc. will apply a markup to my listings to cover costs for paid marketing, staffing, overhead, and the health guarantee for years 2 and 3. I will receive MY SHARE (the price I set for the puppy) after the sale is completed. This amount must include all expenses related to raising the puppy, including any veterinary fees. I understand that I cannot request additional funds from the buyer to cover these costs after the purchase.


4. Funds Access for First 5 Sales:

I understand that all money goes into my PetPay account. I understand that for my first 5 sales, I will be paid shortly after each respective puppy has been delivered. Payment usually occurs within 24-72 hours post-delivery. This process will continue for the first 5 sales to establish a trustworthy, working relationship with PetPay. After completing the 5th sale, I can notify my Breeder Support Team to begin withdrawing the funds myself and will have immediate access to all cleared funds in my PetPay account, except for those from financed sales. I understand I can withdraw those at any time or continue having PetPay payout manually after each delivery.


5. Reserved Funds and Chargeback Responsibility:

I am responsible for ensuring the funds are in my PetPay account as they will be marked as “Reserved” to be held in Reserve for 180 days to ensure the buyer does not do a chargeback. If I withdraw money from my PetPay account and a buyer cancels, I understand that PetPay can take the money from my bank account and put it back into PetPay.


6. Best Practices for Fund Withdrawals and Reconciliation Fees:

I understand that withdrawing multiple funds, for multiple puppies, at one time can become confusing and may result in account reconciliation. It is best practice to withdraw one puppy at a time (even if multiple arrive home on the same day) and to wait until 3 days prior to travel or delivery day to withdraw it. I understand that if my account needs to be reconciled this will result in a $100 fee.


7. Financing Option and Fund Allocation:

I understand that PetPay offers an option to finance. I understand this will appear on all of my listings. I understand I cannot opt out of financing. I understand that the buyer pays the financing institution the monthly payments and that I receive MY SHARE in full. I understand that the financed funds will not be available to me until the puppy has been delivered and is in the buyer's hands. These funds are 100% guaranteed, 100% of the time. The funds cannot be dispersed legally until the buyer takes possession. Once the buyer takes possession and the puppy is marked as “delivered” by PetPay, the financed funds are allocated immediately, and I can move them immediately.


8. Administrative Fee for Sale Cancellation:

I understand that if for any reason, I decide not to move forward with a sale AFTER I have already accepted and agreed to the sale, I will be liable for a $599 administrative fee which covers partial losses for time and marketing expenses.


9. Buyer Cancellations

I understand that a buyer may cancel their purchase. If they cancel within the first 72 hours, they will receive a full refund minus a $599 cancellation fee plus any applicable taxes and fees. In this case, the puppy will be relisted, and no funds will be received. If the buyer cancels after 72 hours, the cancellation fee increases to 50% of the reservation value. In this instance, a portion of MY SHARE will be provided to compensate for the puppy being unavailable for purchase during this time and the puppy will be relisted. If the buyer cancels within 3 days of travel, no refunds will be issued, and I will receive MY SHARE in full and the puppy will be relisted.


10. Minimum Waiting Period Before Puppy Release:

I understand that if my puppy sells right at 8 weeks, that does not mean the puppy will go home the next day. I understand there is a minimum 72-hour period after the sale is approved before the puppy will be released. This allows me to get to the vet and get the docs needed for delivery. This also gives our Admin staff time to connect with the buyer to go over important information they need to know for the puppy’s first day home. This time frame also gives the Breeder Support Team time to get the appropriate documents from the breeder uploaded into the PetPay system.


11. Health Check Responsibilities:

As the breeder, I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure the puppy undergoes a final health check by a USDA-licensed veterinarian within 5 days of travel. During this appointment, I am required to obtain a State Health Certificate, a PETFAX Veterinarian Health Report, and a Fecal Exam result. If the Fecal Exam returns a positive result, the delivery date will be postponed until a follow-up exam confirms a negative result, which should be done at least 5 days later. I also understand that a Vaccine Record must be provided, either by the veterinarian if they administered the vaccines or by myself if I administered them. All required documents must be submitted at least 3 days before the scheduled travel.


12. Document Upload Requirements:

I understand that it is my responsibility to get my Health Certificate, Vaccine Records, PETFAX Veterinarian Health Report, and Registration papers (if any) uploaded to PetPay 72 hours BEFORE my puppy goes to its new home. I understand this gives the PetPay staff ample time to go over these documents to ensure we did not miss anything. I understand that my Breeder Support Team is here to help me get these documents uploaded. (We prefer you upload yourself to the system, but we can certainly upload for you if need be).


13. Health Guarantee Compliance:

As a Signature Breeder, I understand that I am required to comply with the Health Guarantee provided by PetPay. I acknowledge that my financial responsibility is limited to covering up to MY SHARE within the first year. I am aware that PetPay maintains strict standards for claims processing and provides specific guidance to veterinarians on appropriate and acceptable care for certain conditions. I have read and understand the terms of the PetPay Health Guarantee.


14. Coverage for Initial Health Issues:

In the first 14 days of the puppy’s arrival, PetPay will cover, at PetPay’s expense, one round of medication for the puppy should the puppy arrive with kennel cough, coccidia, or giardia. I understand that if my puppy is diagnosed with parvo, a Snap test administered by the buyer's Veterinarian is NOT allowed as those tests lead to false positives. PetPay will require an IDEXX Parvovirus 2 (CPV-2) RealPCR™ Test-Canine (2649) panel analyzed by an IDEXX laboratory. This test usually comes back Negative, as it rules out false positives due to recent inoculations.


15. Veterinarian Check Requirement:

I understand that the buyer has to see their veterinarian within 72 hours of receiving the puppy to ensure the puppy arrived healthy.


16. Vaccination Protocol:

I understand that I must adhere to Pet Media, Inc.'s protocol for administering parvo and distemper vaccines. I also acknowledge that rabies vaccinations are mandatory if the puppy is of age according to my state's guidelines. If the puppy is flying as cargo, a rabies vaccination is required at 12 weeks of age. For other forms of transportation, the vaccine must be administered at the age specified by my state. I recognize that it is my responsibility to be aware of my state's age requirements.


17. Additional Photo Requirement:

I understand I am required to provide a current photo of the puppy once a sale is approved. I understand that I am also required to provide a "going home" photo 24 hours prior to the puppy going home. A going-home photo reduces the likelihood of a buyer thinking it is the incorrect dog.


18. Sales Team Communication:

The sales team handles most of the communication with prospective buyers through calls and messages before the sale. Although the Sales rep will contact me if additional pictures, videos, 3-way calls, or Zoom meetings are needed and I’ll need to respond in those cases, I have the flexibility to be as involved or as hands-off in the communication process with the buyer as I choose throughout the entire process.


19. Confidentiality and Contact Policy:

Before or after the sale, I understand that I am not to discuss fees, prices, markups, etc., as this violates my contract with PetPay. I understand that I may not disclose my contact information to the buyer directly.


20. Information Exchange:

I understand that at the end of the sale, before travel, the buyer will receive my information, and I will receive theirs. I understand that Pet Media, Inc. records all communications from all parties to protect the interests of all parties. I understand that, for the interest of all parties, I will not contact the buyer directly prior to delivery. This ensures that all communication is recorded and documented should a dispute arise.


21. Buyer-Paid Travel:

I understand that if the buyer requires travel arrangements for the puppy, the buyer is responsible for covering those costs, not me.


22. Travel Coordination:

I understand that Pet Media, Inc. has a Travel team that manages a high volume of bookings and will contact me to coordinate the travel for the puppy. I am responsible for informing the Breeder Support Team of the travel options I am willing to accept. I must choose at least one method of safe commercial transport, in addition to local pickup, that can accommodate both hot and cold temperatures. I understand that transportation options may vary based on my location, the buyer’s location, and the size and breed of my puppy to ensure safe delivery.


23. Travel Changes and Delays:

I understand that the Travel team prioritizes the puppy’s well-being and that travel arrangements can be affected by factors like flight delays and weather conditions. I acknowledge that flight nannies may need to fly standby and could experience delays if they have to wait for another flight.


24. Kennel Fees:

I understand that ground transportation scheduling works off logistical routing software and that Air Cargo works off weather conditions (storms, cold temps, hot temps, snow, etc.) and that these services are not in our control. I understand that I cannot charge a kennel fee if the travel is delayed for circumstances out of our control (weather, natural disaster, canceled flights, flight delays, etc.). I understand that kennel fees may be applied if the buyer delays the travel for personal reasons.


25. Expectations for Communication and Respect:

I understand that I am expected to treat the PetPay staff with respect and dignity, recognizing that they work with multiple breeders and that some tasks may take time. I also understand that my Breeder Support Team is available Monday through Friday, from 9 am to 6 pm EST. In the event of an emergency after hours or on weekends, I can contact my Breeder Support Team and will receive a response as soon as they are available.

26. PETFAX™ Use Restriction:

I understand that I may not use the PETFAX™ Veterinarian Health Report for personal benefit. This report may only be used in conjunction with Transactions conducted through the Platform. Sellers are prohibited from using PETFAX™ for personal sales outside of the Platform.



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